Every freaking time I call CBD oil companies, either companies or distributors, I am always getting schooled. I'm not talking general education but biased educating me on their CBD oils they sell. Like, talking about how I want to watch out for poor distraction practices or purity levels and immediately after that they say how their brand is what I should be looking for.
All these distributors trying to educate me is very manipulative. All they are trying to do is sell me their brand. And all this education is so generic. It's the same information just reiterated differently. They go over all the stuff to watch out for but they can't prove that their brand meets all these standards like I am supposed to trust them because they know so much. And theirs is the best and most pure. Guess what. Theirs is also going to be the best one. It makes me sick. I can talk to 20 dealers and just about everyone thinks that theirs is the best.
Note: I avoid companies that have the best price too quick. It's like, we sell ours at half the price of everyone else so do you want to buy now. Ours is cheaper and we don't mark it up alot. This is so BS I don't even want to talk about it or I might say something offensive.
I am tired of all these inflated prices to make people think their CBD is just as high quality as the brands I know that are high quality. I won't mention names so I don't upset any manufacturers but I KNOW who the crappy companies are and whose selling really good stuff.
Oh and talking about dealers schooling people, see how long they want to answer YOUR questions before trying to sell you something. The most common answer is, "we aren't familiar with other cbd oils, just our brand". BS. This is so BS. Why is it that when I ask about a brand that I know is better than theirs they won't answer but when it is a brand that is not as good as theirs, they are quick to tell me the differences. YES, ANYONE IN THIS BUSINESS COMPARES OTHER CBD OILS ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE A MANUFACTURER. YOU CAN'T COMPETE WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR COMPETITION. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THIS INDUSTRY. The same person that said they don't know about other brands didn't remember the next time I called and they got comfortable with me and then trash talked other brands and told me how theirs was better.
Getting Schooled by CBD Salespeople that (hung up on me when I asked too many questions)
It’s really easy to understand why some companies try to act like an expert and try to educate their customers..can you guess why? SALES VOLUME!!!
They know they can sell WAY more CBD when people are naive on what to get. When I was first talking to all these sales reps out there a few of the companies would have the answers to my questions but just the basic ones.. like is their CBD used with super critical CO2 or what country it is from but none of the harder to answer questions on how it's grown. This is like CBD Oil Guidelines 101 and step 1 or 2. Don’t use anything but CO2. Duh. I have since then studied various companies Consultant sales guidelines and they literally recommend doing this. Perhaps this is a great marketing idea and I am wrong…leave your customers with a tingly burning feeling that could turn ugly and they will remember you and your oil brand forever!! Genius! “Hello Mr. Customer do you remember I came in two weeks ago and we tried those oils together? I bet you remembered…it sure made an impact..on your arm. Care to buy some oils?”
A word about review sites… I urge people before they buy a CBD product to read the not-for profit websites that are not biased by salespeople. There are medical websites that have no affiliation with any company and also Wikipedia is a good resource. They both have links on their site where someone can research the topics they want.
Free samples of CBD Oil. For those who want to review different brands I offer free samples. Take my quizand I will send you samples of the top 2 or 3 brands based on your answers. I offer this for those doing a review to help my website.
Free samples of CBD Oil. For those who want to review different brands I offer free samples. Take my quizand I will send you samples of the top 2 or 3 brands based on your answers. I offer this for those doing a review to help my website.