CBD Dosages
So many sales people that I talked to think they are doctors and nearly each "salesperson" I talked to recommended a different dosage for me.

Note: one brand can say 300mg and charge half the price of another brand that has 300mg but one is full spectrum and one is not. That is usually the reason why one brand is cheap and one is expensive.

Some people call in and have chronic pain and some people just want CBD for their sleep disorders. Dealers were recommending dosages that were so far off from each other it was very disturbing. Recommending the milligrams should be based on someone's body ecology, not just what the dosage they are told to offer that is generic for everyone.

Note: with certain high dosages the maximum times should be different based on the person's needs. I urge people to talk to someone who has experience with CBD since it was first on the market who has 

Note: A dosage of 100mg by using it as a lotion vs vaping it can give totally different effects. Rectally taken CBD also is different so make sure you know how you are going to be using it so you can get the right dosage.

Even if 2 brands have the same dosage, one brand can still be twice as strong. That's why I have to really know about the brand. If the brand has been purified too much and has been stripped of most of the terpenoids and many of its cannabinoids, this will help eliminate that Earthy aftertaste but the end product may end up what I call denatured.

Note: yet doctors say CBD is only effective until a certain dose, just going by the "amount" of CBD in the bottle is not good enough for me. A bottle with a broad spectrum of CBD might have a totally different effect on the person than with a close to a complete full spectrum that has all the tropical varieties and grown in optimal summer conditions.

Note: I've found a huge difference in the winter grown hemp versus the summer grown hemp that are the same strains. The best way I know how to explain it is like buying strawberries that are normally grown in the summer but stores are still selling them in the winter. The winter strawberries are not sweet like the summer ones.

I urge people to talk to someone who really knows how to fit someone in the right dosage. If concerned about dosage and if vaping, rectally, or orally is the best way for you, take my CBD quiz and I will try to help. Take the CBD quiz here.
Years of fermentation in the gut may make it harder to breakdown the byproduct of CBD in the body. Many people will find they need a higher dosage based on their body ecology.


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...because every CBD Oil company says theirs is the best
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Free samples of CBD Oil. For those who want to review different brands I offer free samples. Take my quiz and I will send you samples of the top 2 or 3 brands based on your answers. I offer this for those doing a review to help my website.
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Raw CBD vs Cooked CBD
There are benefits to totally raw CBD that Cooked CBD has, and vice versa. Most important page on this site to consider - here
CBD Dosages: the average dose people take is 5mg to 20mg per day