Full spectrum CBD should have the highest terpenoid spectrum. The most expensive CBD companies use the most low yielding strains that makes very low CBD per volume. The cheaper full spectrum companies I found use about 8 to 10 different strains. The best I found uses up to 30 different species of hemp plants. (if anyone wants to try a sample of both types to compare see my sample page.
Broad Spectrum CBD is what I believe many of the full spectrum CBD companies should be called. Full is having all the hemp plants that are available. If a company purposely leaves out the lowest yielding species, that is not fair and it should be priced cheaper but they usually don't. I ask them what their lowest yielding strain is and they never have an answer or just won't tell me. When people start demanding to know what is in their cbd maybe they will start making a real full spectrum CBD.
Note: there is nothing wrong with broad spectrum brands. They do have the most common and abundant terpenes but if looking for the lower yielding tropical strains, it comes at a higher price.
Note: very low broad spectrum - the cheapest CBD that most people get when they don't research.
I've seen companies just isolate some single CBD and put it into an oil and now they are in the CBD oil business. This is so bunk and has none of the full spectrum cannabinoids and just a fraction of the terpenes that make up the higher level grades. Level 5 grade should have at least 90% of the full spectrum of all the terpenes and constituent profile.
The higher the concentration of cannabidiol in a product, the more powerful its effects,
thats what the marketing hype says.. its more about if it has all the terpenes of all the varieties.. does a lower concentration full spectrum or a super concentrated single or broad spectrum better?
Note: any full spectrum CBD oil I have ever found is never done by alcohol. If I see a brand claiming full spectrum and it is not done by CO2 then it raises a red flag.
Note: when buying a full spectrum CBD, even if it is CO2 derived, make sure you ask the temperature it was done at. Heat doesn't hurt the stronger constituents but for full spectrum and those looking for a larger full spectrum there can be a problem. Certain strains can dissolve out at high heat. So, a full spectrum company might claim they have that full spectrum but only a fraction of the main CBD constituents. Cannabichromene (CBC) would definitely be dissolved out at high temperatures based on the temperatures that many of these CBD companies use. The companies using the lower yielding tropical hemp plants are these ones.
Note: when buying a full spectrum CBD oil, make sure you know when it was harvested during the hemp plant's growth cycle. I always prefer the summer stash.
The strains in the most expensive full spectrum CBD grades have high amounts of Sour Tsunami, Valentine X, Harlequin and Cannatonic. If these are not processed right and overly cooked or denatured in anyway, the CBD oil can have a totally different effect.
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Although I prefer CBD grown in the summer and harvested in the fall, some varieties are grown in a greenhouse.
If I can get CBD from plants grown in nature in a field under the summer sun, that is always preferred. There are certain tropical varieties in some of the brands that they choose not to grow and take up field space as they have such a low yield. It is more economical to use greenhouses for those varieties. LED lights is always another choice when natural sunlight is not available.
Let me know if you want your CBD from a greenhouse or grown in a field in the sun.
To maximize the volume of CBD, most outdoor grown hemp is the variety that produces the maximum yield.
I prefer my CBD grown from hemp in greenhouses that get direct sunlight. During the winter, this is the only way as hemp naturally grows in the summer in the hot sun.
Vaping CBD can induce sleep and lower the energy level of a person but once the person is adapted to it may be the only way to achieve an alkaline state
A full spectrum oil will have all 60 Cannabinoids from the hemp plant. Those brands that have all 60 should have the biggest effect on the body's nervous system. The main cannabinoids are CBD and CBG that are in CBD products.
Note: most people think that the more of the active CBD constituents and the more pure it is the better the quality. Everyone asks for the purest brand. If people want this then by making it so pure will also get rid of the constituents people want. It's kinda like distilled water. It takes out all the TDS and minerals in the water along with the impurities. It's nearly 100% pure. Also infusing distilled water versus diffusing tap water is very different.
Free samples of CBD Oil. For those who want to review different brands I offer free samples. Take my quizand I will send you samples of the top 2 or 3 brands based on your answers. I offer this for those doing a review to help my website.
Free samples of CBD Oil. For those who want to review different brands I offer free samples. Take my quizand I will send you samples of the top 2 or 3 brands based on your answers. I offer this for those doing a review to help my website.
There are benefits to totally raw CBD that Cooked CBD has, and vice versa. Most important page on this site to consider - here
This is the latest brand of full spectrum CBD I have reviewed. The owners of this company gave me new insight into what really is full spectrum. See video below.