IMPORTANT NOTICE: For Distributors and Dealers I work with that want to buy from me
Most people wanting to buy CBD from me contact me that just want to make extra income. I will not wholesale any of my CBD products to those that are not willing to do a review. I can get nearly every brand because different brands are good for certain things. Some companies make truly raw CBD while others use lower temperatures. The market is getting very cluttered and so many people want to resell without any experience. Like people are telling people what dosages to take without any experience.
Also, many companies will sell wholesale to anyone on the first call if the volume is high enough and if their brand really had a reputation, they would be very selective. The true pioneer brands that do over 100 million dollars a month, there is no chance of getting 50% off on a first call. I'm not going to mention company names but the places that gave me 50% off and even 70% off their inflated markups were selling junk and lab produced CBD. I'm not an idiot. They were trying to sell me CBD they were getting 90% off and trying to sell me some bunk supply. Meanwhile, these internet stores had no reputation and only had an email contact on their site.
Real CBD that actually has un-denatured constituents that was processed at very little to no heat comes at a high price tag, especially field grown hemp in the summer unless its a really expensive tropical variety grown in greenhouses that most field owners don't want to grow as they want to maximize the profits from their acres of land. Some of the corn field owners that now ditched their corn and grow hemp will probably never go back to growing corn.
I truly believe in the Law of Reciprocal Exchange..or Fair Energy Exchange. Not just between Salespeople and Customers…but also paying respect to where the REAL resources came from, which is of course the Earth. Another way of what I’m trying to say is that CBD for many individuals and companies has become just another means to exchange money that is usually unbalanced in favor of the companies and salespeople.
If the right CBD products are introduced into a person’s life and they achieve a new level of wellness, then this means that with this more balanced consciousness they will help bring greater balance and take greater care of the Source of their healing….The Planet. Bring the appreciation back to where it is truly due…I am just a servant along the way care for this product for a short time before passing them forward to you. But I did not create these powerful elements.
To have a more far exchange on the human to human level this means acknowledging what I just shared and being humble. This is why I send out the free samples because this is a way to level the playing field and help people use their intuition and discernment more and feel out which plant medicine will be right for them.
And yes I am a believer in Karma…I do believe that just pushing someone into a particular product for selfish Greed (core intention) is the Cause and it will yield an Effect of consequence. These sales people may earn a lot of money with their imbalanced games but they are unconsciously not aware of the harm they are causing themselves.
As far as the wholesale structure goes…There is not anything that imbalanced in the structure actually leaves many opportunities to collaborate with others. But just like any system people can exploit it and use it for their own selfish agendas and if those people do not have a clear understanding of Cause and Effect then potentially getting wholesale discounts just like anything can become a destructive system to the environment.
One thing I do different in my business is put much of my profit into free samples. It goes into the labor involved, the product costs themselves, bottle costs, and postage. I also have to feed those who help me raw super foods like chia seeds and goji berries and super green drinks! For even those who handle the samples can pass along any bad energy into them if they are not in a healthy happy space. Ultimately this product should carry the pure energy of Nature if possible to be the most healing and trans formative.
How we work and who we are looking for
We get calls pretty often to our site from people wanting to sell cbd and use our wholesale leverage.
To start with, if you work with us, you either have to review the various brands as you get educated or you will not get access to our pricing.
When people call us they look to us like consultants for the industry knowing that we have a balanced knowledge about various brands and are not just sales people trying to push one brand of CBD. So those on our team should be also educated in an unbiased way and have a sincere desire to help others create and choose the best selection for their customer's unique needs.
The other unique thing about working on our team is that our associates and distributors have access to nearly 50 other alternative health products and equipment at wholesale prices. When we help health practitioners very often they are interested in other types of health products and equipment. I wish that CBD products could completely help a person heal, but usually they will require several lifestyle changes as well as incorporating a protocol utilizing other types of health products/equipment.
For example, someone on my team was talking some time ago with a health practitioner who specialized in treating people with Lyme Disease and was utilizing certain therapeutic grade product to kill the pathogens, but then needed equipment that would help aid in flushing the lymphatic system, raise the Zeta potential of the blood, lower the Redox potential, and reduce inflammation.
I am still needing more support on my team, but I want the right people. I have spent the last 3 months going to trade shows, expos, etc. looking for the key people who really get what we are all about here. I also get calls on a daily basis so again before you call get familiar with what we are about and take that day to think about what you could contribute and also have some questions prepared so we can make the best of our time talking together. We are all on the phones all day or busy sending out samples so please send a quick email with Subject: Interested in Joining The Team and let me know what times you would be available to speak.
If you want to be collaborate with me then please share with me what kind of skills or creative ideas you want to bring to the table and we can discover how it might help the industry and others.